Sunday, August 19, 2012


What do I carry in my trusty Longchamp bag? Lucky you, I just happened to take a picture.

A Kindle, my phone, a pack of tissues, two memory sticks, hand sanitizer, a bag full of fancy Mighty Leaf teas, a pharmacy/makeup bag, & my wallet! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Custom portrait

This is the unveiling of my commissioned portrait from Ms. Sara Lyons for the blog! I looooove it -- check out those sweet ice cream cones, haha. Sara is an incredible artist (LOOK HOW CUTE MY PORTRAIT IS) -- you really need to go & commission your portrait now before she gets too big!!! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday Round-up

Besides s'mores, I've been into some other fun things recently & wanted to share WITH THE WORLD, so here is the Wednesday Round-up. 

1. Mane n' Tail (and body):  Yes, there is a horse on the bottle. This horrifying shampoo is supposed to be good for sharing with both humans & animals in the shower. My boyfriend didn't want to use my shampoo, so he picked this out as his man shampoo at Safeway. I was adequately disgusted, but was eventually forced to use it when I ran out of shampoo. After a couple weeks of being too lazy to buy  my own shampoo, I discovered that this stuff is actually pretty nice! I have fine hair that gets gross & oily in a day, but this stuff keeps my hair nice & fresh for nearly two days. I'm a fan, but I will probably hide this if guests visit. 

2. Yoga: I've wanted to do yoga for a while & finally got my chance when a nearby studio offered free Sunday classes for the month of July. I was only able to make it to 3 classes, but I really enjoyed it as stress-relief & also strengthening of my core/ankles for running. I'm hoping to continue doing it once a week, keeping an eye out for more Groupons (I already have a 10 class pass) & also free classes.